Alma Mater (score) of Appalachian State Teachers College (1929-1967) and Appalachian State University (1967-current). It was written by J. D. Rankin, dean of the college from 1929 until 1955, and interim president from June to September 1955. Sheet reads, "Appalachia Song: 1. Cherished visitor of the Southland, Alma Mater in the hills. Thou dos't point our minds to wisdom. 'Till the truth our spirit thrills. 2. Alma Mater patron college. Happy mem'ories 'round thee cling. Friendships doar, and games of laughter. All their need of treasure bring. (chorus) Teachers college, Appalachia. Of our hearts the joy and pride, Lead us ever lead us on?Ǫword, Vanguard of the heroes side."
General Picture Files, 2004.040, Box 4, Alma Mater (score), C14.2.1.4.