Bookstore, first, book room
This image shows the interior lower level of the College Bookstore, built 1934, at Appalachian State Teachers College (1929-1967). Students line up on a small staircase to obtain textbooks from staff, seated on the left is Mr. Howard Cottrell, Manager of the Bookstore. The bookstore operated in an old brick building at the corner of Locust St. and College Ave. from 1934 until 1967, when it was demolished to make way for the construction of a newer, larger University Bookstore, finished 1969. Books visible in the foreground are "The Literature of England," and a psychology text. Sign on the back wall reads, "We are under no obligation to buy textbooks back." The Appalachian State bookstore has offered textbook rental since the 1939-1940 for students unable to afford textbooks.
Appalachian State University
General Picture Files, Box 2, Bookstore, C14.2.1.2.
University Archives, Appalachian State University
Harvey Durham
Seated on the left is Mr. Howard Cottrell, Manager of the Bookstore.