This image shows the Romy Story Monument at its unveiling on October 23, 1953. Romy Story was a former Watauga Academy (1899-1903) and Appalachian Training School (1903-1925) student. The monument was placed at the edge of the football field,. known as College Field, just south of the second Administration Building, built 1924, visible in the background. It is the current location for the Rankin Science Complex, built 1963-2003. The monument reads, "Romy Story, Dec. 12, 1882-Sept. 13, 1907, Student Appalachian Training School (now Appalachian State Teachers College), 1899-1903, organized the first baseball team here and was its captain. Student of the University of North Carolina 1903-1907. In both he stood without a rival. 'His life was gentle, and the elements so mixed in him, that nature might stand up and say to all the world, "this was a man".' This marker has been erected by his friends and admirers among University alumni and the Southern Appalachian Historical Association."
Pritchett Collection, 2003.080, Dedication of Romey Story Monument October 24, 1953, C14.1.4.1