Silvia Parvei Forgus, Ph.D.



Dr. Richard D. Howe, “Silvia Parvei Forgus, Ph.D.,” Appalachian State University Libraries Digital Collections, accessed February 5, 2025,


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Silvia Parvei Forgus, Ph.D.


Appalachian State University
Universities and colleges--Faculty


Dr. Richard D. Howe




Biographical sketches


Boone (N.C.)

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Professor Emerita

Biographical Text

Professor Emerita of History Silvia Parvei Forgus (January 15, 1922-) was born in Estonia. She attended Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, Illinois, from 1958 to 1961, receiving a B.A. degree in American civilization. From 1966 to 1974, she attended the University of Illinois, where she received an M.A. degree in European history (1967) and a Ph.D. degree in Russian and Soviet history (1974). Professor Forgus taught ancient, medieval, and modern European history at Ferry Hall School in Illinois (1965-66) and Western civilization at the University of Illinois (1970-74). Prior to her appointment at Appalachian State University, she was the secretary and receptionist to the headmistress of the Toronto Montessori School in Toronto, Canada (1974). Dr. Forgus' teaching career at Appalachian State began in 1974 with her appointment to the history department. She was tenured in July 1981. Dr. Forgus has been professionally affiliated with many organizations, including the American Historical Association, the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, the American Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies, Nationality Studies, Inter-Culture Associates, and the North Carolina Social Studies Society. Some of Forgus' research efforts, which have centered around nationality problems in the former Soviet Union and dissent within the Soviet Union, are her 1972 study at the German universities of Gottingen and Marburg. She also served as a research associate at the University of Illinois Research Laboratory, where she participated in faculty seminars and workshops, exploring topics ranging from Ancient Russia to the Soviet Union and Egypt. While at the University of Illinois, Forgus also collected teaching materials and did comparative studies of two villages, one in Germany and one in Egypt. Forgus participated in other studies, and tours, which include: • 1981 Toured Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, and the People's Republic of China, collecting teaching materials • 1983 Studied Polish ethnography at the Marie Curie University in Lublin, Poland • 1984-85 Toured Australia with a focus on the Aborigines' culture • 1991 Studied Aboriginal culture in Mexico and Costa Rica • 1993 Studied culture in the Republic of South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Zambia • 1995 Studied culture in Brazil, Argentina, and Chile • 1998 Toured France • 1999 Toured Sicily and Southern Italy • 1999 Studied economic and cultural changes in Estonia Dr. Forgus' publications include: • "Modernization of Estonian Primary Education," Journal of Baltic Studies 7, no.3 (Fall 1976): 264-74. • "Nationality Question in the Resolution of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1898 -1964," Nationalities Papers: Association for the Study of Nationalities in the USSR and East Europe 5, no. 2 (Fall 1977) 183-201. • "Forest Brethren," an entry in Modern Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet History 11 (1979): 219-221. • "Manifestations of Nationalism in the Baltic Republics," Nationalities Papers: Association for the Study of Nationalities in the USSR and East Europe, 7, no. 2, (Fall 1979): 179-211. • Book Review: Die Baltische Krise 1938-1941 by Seppo Myllyniemi, American Historical Review. June 1980, 681-82. • "Illustrations of Estonian Children's and Youth Literature (to 1940)." Abstracts and translations. Bookbird, 1980. • "German Nationality Policies in Poland: Bismarck vs. Hitler." East European Quarterly 20, no. 4 (March 1986): 107-118. • "Soviet Subversive Activities in Independent Estonia (1918-1940), "Journal of Baltic Studies, 23, no. 1 (Spring 1992) 29-46. • "Noukogude oonestustegevus iseseisvas Eestis (1918-1940)," Akadeemia. Eesti Kiijanike Ludukuukiri, Tartus, 1993. 5, no. 6 (51): 1142-1164. Translation by Ene-Reet Soovik. • 220 abstracts of Estonian, German, and Russian language articles from Historical Abstracts, American Bibliographical Center publication in Santa Barbara, California, (1977-88). • Biographical references: Teodor Kunnapas, Eesti Teadlased Valjaspool Kodumaad Biograafiline Teadmik. Eesti Teaduslik Instituut, Stockholm (1984), 25. • Bernard Kangro, Eesti Kiijakuulutaja Eksiilis. Eesti Kirjanike Kooperaatiiv, Lund, Sweden. 1989, 31 and 123. Forgus retired in June 1992. The rank of professor emerita was bestowed upon her at that time. Dr. Forgus has two children: Michael (March 15, 1952-) and Sandra (March 26, 1954-). She now makes her home in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Sources: Appalachian State University files. -Dr. Howe