Katúah Journal, Issue 29, Fall/Winter 1990


“Katúah Journal, Issue 29, Fall/Winter 1990,” Appalachian State University Libraries Digital Collections, accessed February 10, 2025, https://omeka.library.appstate.edu/items/show/43009.


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Katúah Journal, Issue 29, Fall/Winter 1990


The twenty-ninth issue of the Katúah Journal focuses on water quality: the Little Tennessee River watershed; Watts Bar Lake; development in the Great Smokies; and solar composting toilets. Authors and artists in this issue include: Leaf Myczack, David Wheeler, William McLarney, Mary Kelly, Millie Buchanan, Snow Bear, William Miller, Patrick Clark, Paul Gallimore, Buck Young, Rodney Webb, Lee Barnes, Jim Houser, Ed Lytwack, Gaston Siniard, Rob Messick, Bob Clark, Marnie Muller, Marlene Mountain, and Susan Adam.

Katúah: Bioregional Journal of the Southern Appalachians, later simplified to Katúah Journal, was published from 1983 to 1993. A quarterly publication, it was focused on the bioregion of former Cherokee land in Appalachia. The early issues of the journal explain the meaning of the Cherokee name, Katúah, and why the editors wanted to view the world through a bioregional lens, rather than political boundaries. A volunteer production, the editors took a holistic view in tackling social, environmental, mental, spiritual, and emotional topics of the day, many of which are still relevant.

Table Of Contents

From Mountains to the Sea by Leaf Myczack.......1

Profile of a Southern Appalachian Watershed: The Little Tennessee River (An Interview with Dr. William McLarney), recorded by David Wheeler.......3

Freshwater Canaries: The Spotfin Chub by William McLarney.......5

Mudwatch and Fincount: The Environmental Survey of the Little Tennessee by William McLarney.......6

Headwaters Ecology and High Quality Habitat by Mary Kelly.......7

"It All Comes Down to Water Quality" by Millie Buchanan.......8

Water Power: Action for Aquatic Habitats.......10

Dawn Watchers by Snow Bear.......11

Adventures on the River by Leaf Myczack.......12

Accessor to Murder: Watts Bar Lake and the Public Trust by Leaf Myczack.......14

Poem: "Country Store" by William Miller.......14

The North Shore Road: Environment or Development in the Great Smokies by Patrick Clark........15

The Long Branch Composting Toilet by Paul Gallimore.......17

Good Medicine: The Long Human Being.......18

Katúah Sells Out!! by Buck Young and Rodney Webb........19

Watershed Map of the Katúah Province.......20

Natural World News........22

Green Spirits: Katúah Rains by Lee Barnes.......26

Off the Grid by Jim Houser.......27

Drumming (Letters to Katúah).......28

Early Warning: The Gypsy Moth is Coming! by Ed Lytwack.......30

Poem: "Unbound" by Gaston Siniard.......31



Note: This table of contents corresponds to the original document, not the Document Viewer.


Bioregionalism--Appalachian Region, Southern
Sustainable living--Appalachian Region, Southern
Watersheds--Tennessee, East
Watersheds--North Carolina, Western
Watersheds--Virginia, Southwest
Human ecology--Appalachian Region, Southern
Water quality--Appalachian Region, Southern
Gypsy moth--Control--Environmental aspects
North Carolina, Western
Blue Ridge Mountains
Appalachian Region, Southern
North Carolina--Periodicals


Katúah Journal, printed by The Waynesville Mountaineer Press




Journals (Periodicals)






Watts Bar Lake
Appalachian Region, Southern

Spatial Coverage


Temporal Coverage
