Letter from Multiple Authors, May 5, 1909



Gross, Julius, “Letter from Multiple Authors, May 5, 1909,” Appalachian State University Libraries Digital Collections, accessed January 28, 2025, https://omeka.library.appstate.edu/items/show/35530.


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Letter from Multiple Authors, May 5, 1909


Gross, Julius




Personal correspondence







Spatial Coverage

49.62028, 9.59583

Temporal Coverage



Side 1 (on letterhead: Lazarus Gross I)
Konigheim in Baden, 5th May 1909

My dear children Emilje and Maier
We received your dear letter, dear Emilje, in which you tell us that your wedding will take place on May
9th [and] to which my clears I give you my fatherly blessing; in addition the dear Lord may send you for
this life everything good and designate his blessing so that we may embrace each other again with God's
help. It is for us parents difficult not to be present personally (but] one has to accept the will of God and
think that God wanted it this way. Therefore be happy and drink a... glass and think of your parents. We
too on this day will hold a small dinner and will also drink a glass to your wellbeing. Have a good time on
your trip and let us hear from you soon.
I end therefore with a greeting and kiss, your papa.
My dearly loved Emilie and dear Ettie
Happily I take the pen... to add my motherly blessings for your marriage even as far as the children are
away... it hurts the mother's heart when I cannot put my hands on your head, but the All-knowing
[allgeistige] will see our love and spread luck and blessings on all of your ways. It is of course very hard
for parents not to be present at such festivities,I am however confident that our dear Sam and dear
Luther will take our place ...

Side 2
[difficult to read the next page] ...priestly blessings, and congratulate you on more time and wish you
a pleasant journey.

Dear Emilie,
I would like to ask you to let us know what deem appropriate as a wedding present. We have the
opportunity to send it with Freda... [she is very excited and says then]. With thousand kisses and
greetings, I continue to be your loving mother Zipora.

Dear sister and d[ear] brother-in-law!
I was very happy about your dear letter, dear Emilie, especially since you all are thank the Lord
reasonably well, which I can also say about all of us. You will have seen from my most recent letter that I
too have become engaged and last week my dear bride and I rented an apartment, attached to it is a
new store [Geschaftslokal]. I hope with God's help to continue to have good luck. We invite you strongly
[heartedly] to our wedding ceremony. The all-powerful God give us blessing so that we can see each
other again soon and I get to know my brother-in-law. I wish you much enjoyment on your trip and
write soon once more. And for today be heartedly greeted and kissed from your Brother and brother-in-Iaw Julius