Letter from Lazarus Gross and Zipora Gross, December 19, 1909



Gross, Lazarus, I, “Letter from Lazarus Gross and Zipora Gross, December 19, 1909,” Appalachian State University Libraries Digital Collections, accessed January 28, 2025, https://omeka.library.appstate.edu/items/show/35529.


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Letter from Lazarus Gross and Zipora Gross, December 19, 1909


Gross, Lazarus, I




Personal correspondence







Spatial Coverage

49.62028, 9.59583

Temporal Coverage



Side I (on letterhead: Lazarus Gross I)

Konigheim in Baden,19th December 1909

Dear Mini, in addition, d[ear] Joseph

On the 18th of this month we received your valued letter, d[ear] Mini where [in which] you announced to
us, that on Sunday, the 26th, will be celebrated your engagement to which I send you and your d[ear]
treasure once more good wishes. The dear Lord will give his blessing to it so that we will see each other
again in good health; now be really happy and cheerful, and on that day I [and] dear Mama will
celebrate and think [dankenrdenken] of you and all of our relatives. How pleasant it would have been
for us parents to be present at this celebration, but we have to comfort [ourselves] and think that is
better to be heard well than to be seen all too quickly.
Dear Joseph,I answered your letter already on the 13th of December, I think that you received that one;
also wrote to your brother, but have not received an answer from him.
Dear Mini on this day I would like to see you as alla...when you arrive [?]. To all of our relatives where
[who] are part of the festivities I say once more enj.oy yourselves on this day [and] I send therefore my
heartfelt greetings to d[ear] Savas [?] and d[ear] Bertha and dear grandchildren, d[ear] Edie and d[ear]
Emilj.e and now comes the best, d[ear] Moritz, you should have received the three letters from us.
Greeting to my father, Leopold Grof; 1st
[Note:] At an opportunity, let us know where to send a Warburger...I?]

Side 2
From Mother, his wife:

My dear bride and dear groom [this must be Luther and Elise].

Through your precise announcement, dear Minie, that your engagement will be pronounced,I want to
give you from far away [weiter Ferne! !] my motherly blessing. Because it did not work out to be part of
this festivity, I am completely happy to hear from of our loved ones that you two are very happy, that is
only the wish of parents. Our stallwarteratter d[ear] Sam und dear Bertha, also our dear Moritz, in
addition to sister Emilie and dear Etti, in spirit we are also with you. By the time the letter reaches you,
the festivities are over; we celebrate you [hochleben] on this day and ... only too bad that d(ear) Julius is
so far away, he was here by Warterburg; Julius only sent a card in which he indicated that so much work
this far away was good for him. And my dear little boy Moritz, as d[ear] Minie wrote us, you will have to
stay a bit longer which with ours clears, which we like very much because when one has such a dear
sister-and brother-in-law it is more pleasant to stay with them than strangers (fremden Leuten); our
dear little grandsons surely will have enjoyed himself well. Luther will again have been successful with
his business [gute Geschafte gemacht haben]? And d[ear] Mildant... was dressed well, was Elise there
because Jutta [?] wrote that she visited you this day. Greetings to Elife [Elise]; now give your d[ear] Sam
and d[ear) Luther our deepest thanks for all the love and goodness [Liebe und Gute] because I know that
you as a father and mother ... I need to close for today (because) I labored so much and see a picture of
... and Kula and heartfelt greetings ... to you, with many hundred kisses and greetings to d[ear] Luther and Elise.