Letter from Ida Gross and Julius Gross, February 12, 1910



Gross, Julius, “Letter from Ida Gross and Julius Gross, February 12, 1910,” Appalachian State University Libraries Digital Collections, accessed January 28, 2025, https://omeka.library.appstate.edu/items/show/35528.


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Letter from Ida Gross and Julius Gross, February 12, 1910


Letter from Julius Gross to Jda Lonnerstadter


Gross, Julius




Personal correspondence







Spatial Coverage

50.8279, 10.02185

Temporal Coverage



Side 1 (on letterhead translated below)

Vacha a. Werra Heringen Branch
Putz-, Tappoissere-, Manufaktur-und Wollwaren
(cleaning, Tapestry, Manufacturing and Wool goods)
Julius Gross (He must be the one who got married in Wurzburg to Clara Lonnerstadter) Formerly Jda
Vacha a. W.,
12 February 1910

Dear sister-in-law and d[ear] brother-in-law!
When these lines reach you, your wedding will already be over and send you my deepest
congratulations to your marriage. It is now almost a year that we know one another (even if only by
letter). This is now the 3rd festivity this year, so we continue to have joyful reasons to write. You, d[ear]
Minni, complain about my writing laziness,I will make up this mistake [Fehler] and report to you about
home and business; what one writes is not taken in as easily when does not know one another well; one
would like to know much, but not everything can be brought to paper. A few weeks ago I wrote in
considerable detail and that letter surely arrived and found you all in the best of health. It is the ... to be
able to report to one another and so we receive every so often news from K6nigsheim, just as much as
[we do] from d[ear] relatives; my d[ear] mother was unfortunately not well during this whole summer
and has trouble and in addition has visited us since our wedding; before then she had also visited here
several times [and] in the following summer we anticipate receiving more visitors [and]

Side 2
also think of greeting you here in Germany and hopefully will please you in our happiness; even if it is
simple [einfach], we are God be praised [G.L.] happy and satisfied in our home. The business requires
lots of work and effort, but we are glad to work even if we continue to be fortunate and the business
expands further. D[ear] Julius is often in the branch; [he] also frequently [6fters] has to travel on
business in order to make himself known to the customers. Now we are ... and in 14 days our d(ear)
sister will travel to the Modell-Convention in Frankfurt; during your wedding days d[ear] Julius will be
with [our] d[ear] parents in K6nigsheim in order to celebrate the day with them.
please say hello to all the d[ear] relatives ... and write soon on your turn about which is always
You loving sister-in-law Ida

[Julius added:I
Dear sister and brother-in-law!
I have been most [herzlich] happy with your d[ear] lines, especially to know you healthy. D[ear] brotherin-
law,I was also immediately delighted with your d(ear) lines, especially the beginning of your correspondence in which you said that you hope that we all remain healthy and get to know each other
soon in person. For your wedding I send you the most heartfelt wishes. The d[ear] Lord bless your union
and give you everything according [to your] wishes. I intend to go to K6nigsheim ... to celebrate the
wedding with our d[ear] parents. I hope to receive soon detailed letters from you once more. Say hello
to all the siblings. I remain your
You loving brother and brother-in-law