
“Purpose of the College” Draft, no author, no date

This document lays out the major goals of Black Mountain College. Notice the first goal to “lead on to creative consciousness a carefully selected group of talented young men and women who are eager to know, to will, and to do.”

John Andrew Rice Papers, Appalachian State University


Proposal for an Organic Democracy at Black Mountain College (with handwritten notes on verso), no author, no date

John Andrew Rice Papers, Appalachian State University


"Organization and Procedure at Black Mountain College," by John Andrew Rice, ca. 1933-1939 (6 pages)

John Andrew Rice Papers, Appalachian State University

Teachers vs Trustees.jpg

Notes about Teachers and Trustees in Higher Education in America, by John Andrew Rice, no date

In one of many typed drafts in his papers, John Andrew Rice expresses his opinions against the trustee model for higher education in favor of schools governed by teachers, as at Black Mountain College.

John Andrew Rice Papers, Appalachian State University