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Bibliography of Southern Appalachia

This monograph represents a massive effort to assemble printed works of regional materials held by Appalachian Consortium members at various institutions in the Appalachia region during the mid-1970s. The five libraries contributing to the effort formed a committee to formalize and catalogue their research which resulted in the 13,000 entry bibliographic compendium which had grown from a small, local record of several hundred entries. The material was selectively annotated by Charlotte T. Ross, as well as cross referenced with other sources by members of the library committee. At the time of its publication, this work represented the largest bibliography on the Southern Appalachian Region.

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Laurel Leaves:  Special Edition - A Checklist and Purchase Guide for School and Community Libraries in Appalachia

Originally published in 1978 and reprinted in this 1979 edition, this checklist and purchase guide for school and community libraries in Appalachia was developed for teachers and librarians interested in building or improving an Appalachian collection. The guide was considered the nucleus of a good Appalachian collection for its time, rather than an exhaustive list.

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Reading, Writing, Region: A Checklist and Purchase Guide for School and Community Libraries in Appalachia

Published in 1984 in conjunction with the Southern Highlands Institutes for Educators (SHIE), this report was intended to acquaint elementary and secondary teachers with the history and culture of the Appalachian region, and to provide ideas for incorporating these studies into their regular school curriculum. Funded in-part by the National Endowment for the Humanities, Miller’s guide synthesized materials and resources on the Appalachian region for teachers. This report updated Miller’s Laurel Leaves report first published back in 1978.

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