Commencement, 1974, addresses, photo 1
This image shows a commencement speaker giving an address on the basketball court in Varsity Gymnasium, built 1968, during 1974 commencement ceremonies at Appalachian State University (1967-current). Other speakers and presenters can be seen sitting on the left of the image, and the audience can be seen sitting on bleachers in the background. Speaking is Mr. Alfred Adams, Boone banker. Seated on the stage from left to right are Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Chancellor John Thomas, Dr. William C. Strickland (Dean of the College of arts and Sciences), Dr. Richard Sorensen (Dean of the College of Business).
Appalachian State University
General Picture Files, 2004.040, Box 6, Commencement F3, C14.2.1.6.
University Archives, Appalachian State University
Harvey Durham
Speaking is Mr. Alfred Adams, Boone banker. Seated on the stage from left to right are Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Chancellor John Thomas, Dr. William C. Strickland (Dean of the College of arts and Sciences), Dr. Richard Sorensen (Dean of the College of Business), Dr. Nicholas Erneston ( Dean of the College of Fine and Applied Arts) and Dr. Joe Logan (Dean of the College of Education).