This image shows the 1953-54 Appalachian State Teachers College (1929-1967) varsity cheerleading squad on the football field, known as College Field, across from the second Administration Building, built 1924, seen in background. Cheerleaders performed at sporting events, orientation, and in the annual homecoming parades. Also visible in the background is Smith-Wright Science Hall, built 1940. From left to right, the image shows Bob Goforth, Marie Vaught, Joanne Aldridge, Bob Sigmon, chief cheerleader Carol Goodrum, Bill Blackburn, Janet Houck, Patty Hankley, and Bob Phillips. Appalachian cheerleading first organized during the 1931-32 season, and consisted of four members, two women and two men.
Pritchett Collection, 2003.080, ASTC Cheerleaders 1953, C14.1.4.1