Administration Building, second, fire aftermath, photo 4
This image shows the exterior entrance at night following the fire that destroyed the second Administration Building at Appalachian State Teachers College (1929-1967) on December 29, 1966. Image shows debris covering the front stoop, and the exterior back walls can be seen through the door and window openings. The building had been built in 1924, and was located on the Promenade, facing southeast, approximately where the first Belk Library, built 1968, is located. The fire destroyed the contents of the English and Foreign Languages Departments, the language laboratory, and faculty offices, as well as the Appalachian and Rhododendron offices and student records. Administrative and academic offices were moved to Old White Hall, a vacated women's dormitory built in 1924, and student academic and financial records were reconstructed from microfilm and secondary sources. The ruins were razed in January 1967.
Appalachian State University
General Picture Files, 2004.040, box 1, Administration (fire, 1966), C14.1.6.1
University Archives, Appalachian State University