Jan Carole Watson, ED.D


Dr. Kay R. Dickson, “Jan Carole Watson, ED.D,” Appalachian State University Libraries Digital Collections, accessed February 11, 2025, https://omeka.library.appstate.edu/items/show/48137.


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Jan Carole Watson, ED.D


Appalachian State University
Universities and colleges--Faculty


Dr. Kay R. Dickson




Biographical sketches


Boone (N.C.)

Spatial Coverage


Temporal Coverage



Professor Emerita

Biographical Text

Professor Emerita of Health, Leisure, and Exercise Science Jan Carole Watson (February 5, 1942-) was born in Aiken, South Carolina, to Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Watson. After graduating from Aiken High School in 1960, Watson attended Winthrop College, where she gained a B.S. degree in physical education in 1964. She then earned an M. A. in physical education from Appalachian State University (1967) and an Ed.D. in the same field from the University of North Carolina—Greensboro in 1980. Subsequently, she did further study at the College of William and Mary (1964-1965) and at Old Dominion University (1965-1966). Dr. Watson was a teacher and coach at Homer L. Ferguson High School, Newport News, Virginia, from 1964 to 1966. She became an instructor in the Department of Health, Leisure, and Exercise Science at Appalachian State University in 1967, attaining the rank of full professor in 1992. Some of Dr. Watson's many contributions to the Department of Health, Leisure, and Exercise Science are the following: coordination of the Bishop Otter College (Chichester, England) tour of the Southeastern United States (1978-1984); director of the Appalachian State students/athletes tour of England (1978 and 1983); and coordinator of the undergraduate professional preparation for the physical education area (1981-1984). She was also a member of numerous departmental committees, including the Undergraduate Professional Curriculum Committee (1981-1982), the Joint Curriculum Committee (1981-1982), the Graduate Assistant Selection Committee (1981-1989), the Student Evaluation Committee (1977-1978 and 1982-1984), the Recruitment Committee (1983-1984); and the Departmental Committee (1977-1984,1985-1987, and 1989-1999). Dr. Watson's service contributions to Appalachian State University at large include the following committee memberships: International Studies Committee (1978-1980), Women in Motion Steering Committee (1981-1982), Student Welfare and Morale Committee (1984-1985), University Admissions Committee (1984-1985; chair, 1985-1986); University Advisory Council (1983-1984); Faculty Senate Committee on Committees (1985-1986) and the University Calendar and Registration Committee (1990-1993). Some of Dr. Watson's contributions to professional organizations follow: co-founder (1968) and president (1968-1971) of the Deep South Field Hockey Association; president (1976-1979) and treasurer (1984-1987) of the Southeast Field Hockey Association; and site director (1981) of the Olympic Development Camp for the United States Field Hockey Association. Dr. Watson was a member of the Founding Committee (1970-1972) of the North Carolina Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women, as well as a member of the Ethics and Eligibility Committee (1974-1976); she was also president of the association from 1981 to 1983. Her contributions to the Association of Inter-collegiate Athletics for Women include: member, Ethics and Eligibility Committee (1972-1973); member, Awards Committee (1974-1975); chair, Tennis Committee (1974-1975); chair, Nominating Committee (1977-1978); chair, Budget and Finance Committee (1977-1979). Dr. Watson was treasurer of the association from 1977 to 1979. Among Dr. Watson's contributions to the Southern Association of Physical Education for College Women are the following: treasurer (1976-1978); member, Finance Committee (1976-1978); member, Workshop Site Selection Committee (1982-1983); chair, Site Selection Committee (1986-1988); and chair, Membership and Public Relations Committee (1988-1990). The contributions made by Dr. Watson to the Boone/Watauga community include the following: director, Appalachian Field Hockey Camp (1997-1984); coordinator, Tennis Workshops for Watauga County Children 1980-1989)1• co-director, Mountaineer Tennis Camp (1981-1983), coordinator, Junior Field Hockey and Tennis (1988-1990); treasurer, Watauga Humane Society ('2002-2007), and chair, Financial Committee foi the Watauga Humane Society (2002-2007). Dr. Watson has held membership in these professional organizations: American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance; South Carolina AHPER, Virginia AH1E North Carolina Alliance for Health, Physical, Recreation, and Dance; Southern Association of Physical Education for College Women, Unite States Tennis Association; United States Field Hockey Association; sustaining member, Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women National Association for Physical Education College Women; charter member, National Association for Physical Education in Higher Education- Alpha Delta Kappa; North American Society for Sport History; Organization on the Status of Women (Appalachian State University); National Association for Women's Deans, Administrators and Counselors. Among Dr. Watson's professional honors and recognition are the following: Alpha Delta Kappa Scholarship (1977); the Franny Homer Award, presented by the Deep South Field Hockey Association (1984); Appalachian State University Athletic Recognition (1983); honored by Governor James Martin for Outstanding Contributions to Women in Sport (1987); presidential citation presented by the North Carolina Alliance for HPERD (1989); listed in Who's Who in America (1989); listed in the International Who's Who in Education (1992); honorary membership presented by the United States Field Hockey Association (1993); Outstanding Teaching Award presented by the Department of Health, Leisure, and Exercise Science (1998); awarded professor emerita, Appalachian State University (1999); Outstanding Alumni Award at Winthrop University (2004); and inducted into the Appalachian State University Sports Hall of Fame (2008). Sources: Appalachian State University files and personal correspondence. -Dr. Kay R. Dickson