Ming H. Land, ED.D



Dr. Kay R. Dickson, “Ming H. Land, ED.D,” Appalachian State University Libraries Digital Collections, accessed October 3, 2024, https://omeka.library.appstate.edu/items/show/48045.

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Ming H. Land, ED.D


Appalachian State University
Universities and colleges--Faculty


Dr. Kay R. Dickson




Biographical sketches


Boone (N.C.)

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Professor Emeritus

Biographical Text

Professor Emeritus of Technology Ming H. Land (July 10, 1940-) was born in Hsinchu, Taiwan. He received a B.Ed, degree, with a major in industrial education, from National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1963. In 1968, he was granted an M.S. degree from Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, where he majored in industry and technology. Professor Land received his Ed.D. degree from Utah State University, Logan, in 1970. His major was industrial education, and he minored in psychology and educational administration. In the summer of 1993, he received a certificate from a management development program at Harvard University. Dr. Land taught at Hsinchu High School from 1963 to 1964. He then was a second lieutenant platoon leader in the Army Infantry Division, Penghu, Taiwan, before returning to Hsinchu High School for the 1965-66 school year. After this he was a graduate assistant, Department of Industry and Technology, at Northern Illinois University (1966-68), and, later, a teaching assistant in the Department of Industrial Technology and Education at Utah State University, Logan (1968-70). He then held the position of assistant professor, School of Technology, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, in the 1970-71 academic year. In the summer if 1971, he was a visiting assistant professor in the Department of Industrial and Technical Education at Appalachian State University, and, from 1971 to 1982, he held, successively, the positions of assistant professor, associate professor, and professor in the Department of Industrial Education, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. In the fall of 1981, he was a Fulbright visiting professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering (computer-aided design and drafting), Northwestern University, Shenyang, People's Republic of China. From 1983 to 1989, Dr. Land was a professor and chair in the Department of Technology at Appalachian State. He was dean of the College of Fine and Applied Arts at the university from 1989 to 2007 and a professor in the Department of Technology from 2003-2007. Dr. Land has been professor of technology emeritus at Appalachian State since 2007. The councils and committees Dr. Land served on while at Appalachian follow: Council of Academic Deans, Fine and Applied Arts Advisory Council, the Graduate Council, the Research Council, the Teacher Education Council, Summer School Advisory Council, The Humanities Council, Advisory Council for Academic Computing (1984-88), Council of Chair (1983-89), Committee on Student Conduct, Graduate Studies and Research Dean Search Committee (1996-97), Education Dean Search Committee (1991-92), Business Dean Search Committee (1990-91). Dr. Land was also a member of An Appalachian Summer Festival Advisory Board and the Faculty Senate (1986-87). Dr. Land was a member of these professional associations: American Society for Engineering Education, Association for Career and Technical Education, International Council of Fine Arts Deans, International Technology Education Association, National Association of Industrial Technology (Region III director, University Division, 1993-95; president-elect, 1996-97; president, 1997-98), Council on Technology Teacher Education, Phi Delta Kappa (Professional Fraternity in Education), Epsilon Pi Tau (Professional Fraternity in Technical Education), Phi Beta Delta (Honor Society for International Scholars), the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. Dr. Land's publications in periodicals and journals include the following: • "Technical and Technology Education in Japan." Tech Directions (October 1997): 12-14.^ • "The Equilateral Triangle—Another Look. Engineering Design Graphics Journal (Winter 1994): 42-43. • "Entering a New Era of Technology and Education at Appalachian State University." School Shop/Tech Directions (April 1991): 30-31. • "Vo-Ed Plays an Important Role in Taiwan's Economic Health." Education and Vocation, a publication of China Vocational Education Society, Beijing, China (February 1991): 43-44. • "The Errors in Rectifying Circular Ares." Engineering Design Graphics Journal: (Winter 1989): 13-16. • "Examining Vocational Education in China." Industrial Education (May 1989): 23-24. • "Eagerness for Education." Taiwan Journal of Educational Supervision (February 1989): 2-4. • "Mathematical Principles of Oblique Projection with Applications for Computer Graphics." Engineering Design Graphics Journal (Winter 1986): 25-28. • "These Graphic Problems Draw a Variety of Polyhedrons." School Shop. (May 1986): 18-19. • "Drawing and Animating Images with Your School's Microcomputer." School Shop. (February 1986): 18-19. In addition to the publications noted above, Dr. Land has coauthored three books: • Land, M.H., and G.E. Martin. Participation of Students in Vocational Education in Ohio by Sex and Race. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Advisory Council for Vocational Education, 1981. • Kim, T.C.,J.H. Song, and M.H. Land. Graphics. Seoul, Korea: Hyung Seul Publishing Company, 1982. • Kim, T.C.,J.H. Song, and M.H. Land. Graphics Workbook. Seoul, Korea: Hyung Seul Publishing Company, 1982. In the area of community service, Dr. Land has been a member of the Boone, North Carolina, Chamber of Commerce, as well as a member of the town's Appearance Commission (1987-89). He also served on the Board of Directors, Hiddenite Center, Hiddenite, North Carolina, where he worked with the Sharpe Chair of Fine and Applied Art to provide cultural and educational experiences to the local and regional community (1995-2001). Dr. Land was awarded emeritus status by the Appalachian State University Board of Trustees on December 7, 2007. Sources: Appalachian State University files and personal correspondence. -Dr. Kay R. Dickson

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