Peggy Johnson Hartley, Ph.D.



Dr. Kay R. Dickson, “Peggy Johnson Hartley, Ph.D.,” Appalachian State University Libraries Digital Collections, accessed February 11, 2025,


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Peggy Johnson Hartley, Ph.D.


Appalachian State University
Universities and colleges--Faculty


Dr. Kay R. Dickson




Biographical sketches


Boone (N.C.)

Spatial Coverage

Temporal Coverage



Professor Emerita

Biographical Text

Professor Emerita of Foreign Languages Peggy Johnson Hartley (September 27, 1942-) received her Bachelor of Science and her Master of Arts degrees in Spanish from Appalachian State University. She received her doctorate in Foreign Language Education from the University of South Carolina, Columbia, in 1972. The title of her dissertation was "A Comparison between Achievement in an Individualized Self-Paced Program and a Conventional Lockstep Program in Basic College Spanish." Hartley entered the professional field in 1963 as an instructor in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. There she taught Spanish, English, drama, and social studies. From 1969 to 1970, Hartley was a graduate assistant at Appalachian State University, teaching one class in elementary Spanish. From 1972 to 1973, she was an instructor at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, where she served as an instructor and developed and administered the program of individualized Spanish and was directly responsible for a staff of ten. In 1973, Dr. Hartley came to Appalachian State University, where she served as an instructor of Spanish and Foreign Language Methods. She received tenure at Appalachian State in July of 1977, was promoted to associate professor in July of 1978, and promoted to professor in 1983. While at the university, Hartley was a member of the Graduate Faculty, a sponsor of the Spanish Honor Society, an advisor to Spanish teaching majors and Spanish minors, supervisor of Spanish student teachers, and a member of various university and departmental committees. Scholarly and professional organizations of which Dr. Hartley was a member were the Foreign Language Association of North Carolina (FLANC), Alpha Chi, Sigma Delta Pi, and Kappa Delta Epsilon. Awards and honors received by Hartley were Teacher of the Year - Harding High School, Charlotte, North Carolina - 1969; NDEA Title IV Fellowship, University of South Carolina, 1971-72; Outstanding Teacher Award, Appalachian State University, 1974; Honorary Lifetime Member of FLANC, 1976; Outstanding Teacher Award from the Appalachian State Alumni Association, 1989; Member of the Academy of Outstanding Teachers, Appalachian State College of Arts and Sciences, 1992; Teacher of the Year Award, Appalachian State College of Arts and Sciences, 1994; Nominee for Teaching Award, North Carolina Board of Governors, 1996; and winner of Teaching Award, North Carolina Board of Governors, 1997. Among her other professional activities, Hartley attended the NDEA Institute, summer 1964, and taught English to elementary students in Panama, summer 1966; she was a study-trip organizer and leader to Mexico (summer 1980), to Spain (spring semester 1982), to Mexico (summer 1982), to Spain (fall semester 1983), and to Costa Rica (summer 1994). Dr. Hartley was an exchange professor in a program between Appalachian State University and Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea, September 1984June 1985; she was a member of a state committee participating with CAL in a FIPSE grant to strengthen elementary foreign language teaching in North Carolina, 1988-1992; she was also a visiting scholar at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, spring/ fall semesters 1989 and a visiting scholar at the National University of Costa Rica, summer 1995. She studied in Mexico at Centro Mexicano Institute, Morelia, Mexico, in the summer of 1996 and was an exchange professor in a program between Appalachian State University and Universidad de Quintana Roo, Chetumal, Mexico, during the fall semester of 1998. Dr. Hartley's publications include the following: • "A Treasure Trove of Materials for the FLES Teacher." Hispania (May 1990). • "Using Drama Situation Cards to Strengthen Basic Skills." North Carolina Foreign Language Journal 3.1 (1984). (Co-authored with Ernest B. Hartley.) • "Developing Creative Writing Skills with Picture Packs." Foreign Language Annals (May 1984). (Co-authored with Ernest B. Hartley.) • Two teaching games purchased by Gessler Publications, December 1979. • "A Guide for Spanish Teachers" Forsyth County Schools, 1978. (Co-authored with J. Dean and T. Shook.) • "Signs of the Times: Teaching More than Language." North Carolina Foreign Language Review (Fall 1975). • "An Experiment in Self-Pacing in Basic College Spanish and Subsequent Program Implementation." Hispania (December 1974). (Co-authored with F.J. Dannerbeck.) In March 2006, Dr. Hartley was granted emerita status by the Appalachian State University Board of Trustees. Sources: Appalachian State University files and personal correspondence. -Kay R. Dickson