David T. Robinson, ED.D.



Dr. Richard D. Howe and Mary Elizabeth Gragg, “David T. Robinson, ED.D.,” Appalachian State University Libraries Digital Collections, accessed February 19, 2025, https://omeka.library.appstate.edu/items/show/47916.


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David T. Robinson, ED.D.


Appalachian State University
Universities and colleges--Faculty


Dr. Richard D. Howe
Mary Elizabeth Gragg




Biographical sketches


Boone (N.C.)

Spatial Coverage


Temporal Coverage



Professor Emeritus

Biographical Text

Professor Emeritus of Counselor Education and Research David T. Robinson (December 16, 1928 -), professor of education, was born in Dean, Tennessee. He is the son of Willard Ezra and Artie Mae Robinson (both de­ceased). His father was a life-long coal miner and his mother, a homemaker, supplemented a meager income with gardening, canning foods, and making clothes for the children. He attended Lake City High School in Lake City, Tennessee from which he graduated in 1947. Robinson attended Carson-Newman College from 1947-48. During 1948-49 he served as a teacher and a principal at Rosedale Elementary School in Rosedale, Tennessee (Anderson County). He attended the University of Tennessee in 1949 where he earned his B.S. in secondary education. In 1951 he worked in security for the Union Carbide Chemical Company in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. He then returned to work for the Anderson County Board of Education as a teacher and coach in Briceville school. From 1952-60 he served as a high school teacher, coach, and counselor for Norris High School in Anderson County. During 1957-60 he studied at the University of Tennessee where he earned his M.S. in education administra­tion. David Robinson moved to Centerburg, Ohio in 1960 where he served as principal of Centerburg High School for two years. In 1962 he accepted a position as counselor for Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools in Char­lotte, North Carolina where he served in this capacity until 1965. He returned to the University of Ten­nessee to serve as teaching assistant from 1965-66. From 1965-66 he worked on his Ed.D. in educational psychology and coun­seling at the University of Tennessee. David Robinson was first appointed to Appalachian State University in 1966 as assistant professor in education. In 1968 he was promoted to the rank of associate profes­sor, and in 1970 was promoted to professor. Robinson served on the following committees: Student Life Committee, panel of psychological consultants for the Voca­tional Rehabilitation Agency, Budget Advi­sory Committee, Graduate Council, Sub­committee on Self-Study (chairman), Com­mittee for the Reorganization of College Education, Executive Committee of the North Carolina Personnel and Guidance Association (NCPGA), and two committees to nominate department chairpersons (De­partment of Special Programs and Depart­ment of Counselor Education and Research). David Robinson served his community in other ways by working as: an advisor to the NCPGA interest group on elementary school guidance; a licensed practicing psychologist; an educational-psychological consultant to Watauga County Schools and other school systems in North Carolina and Tennessee; an organizer and administrator of several work­shops on occupational education in commu­nity colleges; and co-director of a workshop at a NCPGA convention. In addition, Robin­son has served as commencement speaker on several occasions and also as a speaker at a meeting of community college personnel. Also, Robinson wrote a position paper rele­vant to guidance in North Carolina for the Dan Moore (government) Report on Educa­tion. Robinson is personally affiliated with: American Psychological Association, American Personnel and Guidance Associa­tion, NCPGA, National Vocational Guid­ance Association, American Association of University Professors, North Carolina Edu­cators Association, Phi Delta Kappa, North Carolina Association of Counselor Educa­tors and Supervisors (president-elect), Southern Association of Counselor Educa­tors and Supervisors, and Parent and Family Life Council. Robinson wrote a publication titled: "School Counselors as Therapists," published in The School Counselor Journal, Fall 1966. David Robinson married Reba Kleta Martin on December 20, 1947. They have three children: Teresa (October 12,1951 -), Gregory (July 11,1954-), and Robin (July 8, 1956 -). The former Mrs. Robinson is pres­ently living in Boone, North Carolina. Robin Robinson is with the 82nd Airborne Divi­sion, presently stationed in Germany. Greg is a tennis pro in Jupitor, Florida. Teresa is now married and living in Bluefield, West Vir­ginia after a successful career in musical entertainment. David Robinson has one brother, On-via, who now lives in Detroit where he is employed by General Motors. His only sis­ter, Reba Phillips, lives in Lake City, Tennes­see where she is employed as a pharmacist's assistant. David Robinson retired on September 1, 1983 after 17 years of service to Appala­chian State University. In his retirement he is continuing his work as a practicing psy­chologist through his private practice in Winston-Salem. During the past two years he has been involved in counseling and psycho­logical services with children, adolescents, and adults. He works on physical fitness by jog­ging, swimming, weight lifting, golfing and fishing. He enjoys meeting people and dis­cussing the contributions to education of North Carolina governors. Sources: Appalachian State University files and personal correspondence. - Dr. Richard D. Howe and Miss Mary Elizabeth Gragg