Katúah Journal, Issue 36, Fall 1992


“Katúah Journal, Issue 36, Fall 1992,” Appalachian State University Libraries Digital Collections, accessed February 16, 2025, https://omeka.library.appstate.edu/items/show/43002.


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Katúah Journal, Issue 36, Fall 1992


The thirty-sixth issue of the Katúah Journal focuses on wood and its role in mountain life: logging, wood products, and forest stewardship. There is also an announcement that publication of the journal will cease in 1993. Authors and artists in this issue include: Lee Barnes, Frank Hodgin, David Wheeler, Dr. John Wade, Harley Wessman, Nancy McIntyre, Buzz Williams, Robert T. Pershcel, Jesse Jones, Leon S. Minckler, Tucker Windover, Charlotte Homsher, Rob Messick, Julia Vanselow, Frank Vogel, Michael Thompson, Susan Klimczak, Jeff Zachary, Susan Parker Weatherford, Mark Anderson, Hope Walker, and "Pegi."

Katúah: Bioregional Journal of the Southern Appalachians, later simplified to Katúah Journal, was published from 1983 to 1993. A quarterly publication, it was focused on the bioregion of former Cherokee land in Appalachia. The early issues of the journal explain the meaning of the Cherokee name, Katúah, and why the editors wanted to view the world through a bioregional lens, rather than political boundaries. A volunteer production, the editors took a holistic view in tackling social, environmental, mental, spiritual, and emotional topics of the day, many of which are still relevant.

Table Of Contents

Using Wood.......1

Appalachian Logging by Lee Barnes.......4

Old Logging Days by Frank Hodgin.......7

Working the Woodlands by David Wheeler.......9

Wood Products and Western North Carolina by Dr. John Wade.......13

Depletion for Dollars by Harley Wessman.......13

Logging with Horses by Nancy McIntyre.......15

Natural World News.......16

Invasion of the Giants by Buzz Williams........19

From Industry to Endeavor by David Wheeler.......20

Pioneering A New Human/Nature Relationship by Robert T. Perschel.......21

Forest Stewardship Programs by Jesse Jones.......22

Ecological Forestry for Renewable Forest Values by Leon S. Minckler.......23


The Chair in the Tree by Tucker Windover.......27

Reading the Grove by Charlotte Homsher........29



Note: This table of contents corresponds to the original document, not the Document Viewer.


Bioregionalism--Appalachian Region, Southern
Sustainable living--Appalachian Region, Southern
Forest products industry--Appalachian Region, Southern
Forest management--Appalachian Region, Southern
Logging--Appalachian Region, Southern
Animals in logging--Appalachian Region
North Carolina, Western
Blue Ridge Mountains
Appalachian Region, Southern
North Carolina--Periodicals


Katúah Journal, printed by The Waynesville Mountaineer Press




Journals (Periodicals)






Appalachian Region, Southern

Temporal Coverage
