Reba and Grady Moretz Interview
Reba and Grady Moretz both grew up near Appalachian State Teacher’s College until it was time for both of them to go to college. Reba chose to attend Appalachian and study music while Grady went to Chapel Hill to study business. After college, Grady entered the Navy and Reba dove head first into the world of teaching. Once Grady returned to the states, they began dating and later married after moving back to Boone. The two then began the Appalachian Ski Mountain and have been successful business owners since. They have two children and six grandchildren.
Information discussed in the interview: childhood, early education, attendance at Appalachian State University, the dormitories, social events and habits, daily life, weather, relationships, sports, class life, jobs held while at school, the library, and life after graduation.
Appalachian State University
The materials contained in the Appalachian State University Memory Project, 2006-2017, undated Collection are available for free personal, non-commercial, and educational use provided that proper citation is used (e.g. Appalachian State University Memory Project, 2006-2017, undated, W. L. Eury Appalachian Collection, Special Collections, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC). Please contact the Appalachian State University W. L. Eury Appalachian Collection with specific questions or with requests for further information.
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