This item is part of the W. Amos Abrams Folksong Collection, which includes some 400 individual song titles, most of which have multiple variants. Dr. Abrams recorded songs primarily from the Appalachian region of North Carolina from 1938 to 1946 and transcribed them in 1973. Like the I. G. Greer Collection, the titles contained in Abrams’ collection range from traditional Child Ballads to 19th century popular music to compositions of local origin.
North Carolina--Songs and music
Adultery--Songs and music
Folk music--Appalachian Region
Ballads, Scots--Scotland--Scottish Borders--Texts
Ballads, English--Appalachian Region, Southern
Alternative Title
Lady Cassilles Lilt, Johnny Faa, The Three Gypsy Laddies, Black Jack Davy, The Gypsy Davie, I'm Seventeen Come Sunday, Gypsy Davy, It was Late in the Night When Johnny Came Home, Black Eyed Davy, Black Jack Gypsy, The Lady's Disgrace, The Gypsy Lover, The Wraggle Taggle Gipsies, Gipsies-O, The Gipsy Laddie, The Dark-Clothed Gypsy, Gipsies of Agee Oh!, The Ragtail Gipsies, Oh!, The Gipsy Laddie Oh!, The Draggletail Gipsies, The Raggle Taggle Gypsies, O, The Three Gypsies, The Gipsies Came to Lord M-----'s Gate, The Dark-Eyed Gypsy O! The Gypsy Lady, Gipsy Draly, Gypsum Davy, Gipsy Daisy, Gipsy Davy, Gyps of David, David, Black Jack David, Black Jack Davie, Harrison Brady, The Egyptian Davy O, How Old are You, My Pretty Little Miss?, The Heartless Lady, The Gypsy Daisy, Bill Harman