This item is part of the W. Amos Abrams Folksong Collection, which includes some 400 individual song titles, most of which have multiple variants. Dr. Abrams recorded songs primarily from the Appalachian region of North Carolina from 1938 to 1946 and transcribed them in 1973. Like the I. G. Greer Collection, the titles contained in Abrams’ collection range from traditional Child Ballads to 19th century popular music to compositions of local origin.
North Carolina--Songs and music
Songs and violence--Songs and music
Family Violence--Songs and music
Folk music--Appalachian Region
Alternative Title
Binorie, Norham, Down by Norham, Benonie, The Old Man in the North Country, The Old Lord of the North Country, The Three Sisters, The West Countree, The Old Man in the North Countree, Sister Kate, The Miller and the Mayor's Daughter, The Miller's Two Daughters, There was an Old Woman Lived in the West, The Old Farmer in the Countree, There was a Squire of High Degree, A Farmer There Lived in the North Country, The Miller's Daughters, There was an Old Farmer, The Old Man in the Old Country, The Old Woman of the North Countree, The Sea Shore, The Swim Swom Bonny, The Two Little Sisters, The Swan Swims Bonny O, The Swan Swims So Bonny, O, Down by the Waters Rolling, The Youngest Daughter, The Two Sisters That Loved One Man