This image shows three members of the Department of Health, Leisure, and Exercise Science at Appalachian State University (1967-current) sitting at a table with trays of food in front of them in the 1970s. The woman is Dr. Joan Askew, Professor of Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation. The man on the right is Mr. John Crotts, Instructor in the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation And Director of Outdoor Programs. The Department of Health, Leisure, and Exercise Science is located in the College of Fine and Applied Arts, and offers degrees in Athletic Training, Exercise Science, Health Promotions, Physical Education and Recreation Management.
General Picture Files, 2004.040, Box 10, Health, Lesture, and Exercise, C14.2.2.4.
Harvey Durham
The two men are incorrectly identified. The woman is Dr. Joan Askew, Professor of Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation. The man on the left is Unknown, and the man on the right is Mr. John Crotts, Instructor in the Department of Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation And Director of Outdoor Programs.