This image shows Phillip Mank, the executive-in-residence in the College of Business at Appalachian State University (1967-current), speaking to a class of juniors in January 1972 about salary expectations of graduates. Mank was a savings and loan official and senior vice-president for Federal Home Loan Bank of Greensboro. The College of Business was established in 1970-71 with four distinct departments, including accounting, business administration, business, economic and occupational education, and economics. It occupied Smith-Wright Hall, built 1940, from 1970 to 1976, when John A. Walker Hall, built 1975, was opened. This image appears in the January 14, 1972 edition of "The Appalachian" (p. 8).
General Picture Files, 2004.040, Box 9, Business Department, C14.2.2.3.