Registration, circa 1971, course selection, photo 3
This image shows students signing up for classes at registration at Appalachian State University (1967-current). A student can be seen searching the printed schedule for courses in the middle of the image. The registration process included placement tests for freshmen, class signup, payment of fees, and vaccinations from Health Services for students without proper immunizations. In the 1970s, registration was done for the first time by computer. Students submitted schedules through the mail, where it was entered into the computer, which selected courses based on availability. Only students who had incomplete schedules or needed to make changes had to appear at the Varsity Gym for traditional registration. There, when students registered for a course, they obtained a course card, visible in the boxes on the tables, that was submitted to the professor on the first day of class.
Student Activities
Student Affairs
Appalachian State University
General Picture Files, 2004.040, Box 3, Registrar, C14.2.1.3.
University Archives, Appalachian State University