The North Carolina Hills.
1. Oh the North Carolina hills! How majestic and how grand.
With their summits bath’d in glory, Like our Prince Immanuel’s
Is it any wonder then, That my heart with rapture thrills,
As I stand once more with lov’d ones On those North Carolina
Oh the hills, beautiful hills, How I love those North Carolina
hills. If o’er sea or land I roam, Still I think of happy
home And the friends among the North Carolina hills.
2. Oh, the North Carolina hills! Where my girlhood hours were pass’d
Where I often wandered lonely, And the future tried to cast.
Many are our visions bright, Which the future ne’er fulfills.
But how sunny were my day-dreams On those North Carolina hills!
3. Oh the North Carolina hills! How unchang’d they seem to stand.
With their summits pointed sky-ward, To the great almighty’s
Many changes I can see, Which my heart with sadness fills.
But no changes can be noticed In those North Carolina hills!
4. Oh, ye North Carolina hills! I must bid you now a-dieu.
In my home beyond the mountains I shall ever dream of you.
In the ev-ning time of life, If my father only wills,
shall still behold the vision Of those North Carolina hills!