I Am a Peaceful Woman, Lyric Variant 02


“I Am a Peaceful Woman, Lyric Variant 02,” Appalachian State University Libraries Digital Collections, accessed February 13, 2025, https://omeka.library.appstate.edu/items/show/31583.


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I Am a Peaceful Woman, Lyric Variant 02


This item is part of the I. G. Greer Folksong Collection which consists of more than 300 individual song titles and their variants as collected by Isaac Garfield Greer (1881-1967) from informants, primarily in Ashe, Wilkes and Watauga counties. The collection includes manuscripts, typescript transcriptions produced by Dr. Greer’s clerical staff, and handwritten musical notations. Songs range from traditional Child Ballads, traditional English and Scottish ballads as well as their American variants, to 19th century popular music to musical compositions of local origin.


Folk songs--United States
Marital conflict--Songs and music
Quarreling--Songs and music


W. L. Eury Appalachian Collection, Appalachian State University


Greer, I. G. (Isaac Garfield), 1881-1967








I am a Peaceful Woman

I am a peaceful woman
And I never will complain,
But since I wed I’m almost dead
My husband is insane.
He keeps me jumping through a hoop,
He’s gone from bad to worse.
He does’nt seem to wanrt a wife,
What he needs is a nurse.
When I try to have my way,
He’ll yell at me and say,
“You’re goint to loose your husband if you do.
Go right ahead and I wont worry,
Have a hot time in a hurry.
‘Ere you start on your way,
I have just this word to say
You’re going to loose your husband, your husband, your husband.
You’re going to loose your husband if you do.

I could’nt wear a hobble skirt when they were all the go.
How I suffered on windy days no one shall ever know.
And now I want a harem skirt, he can’t see them at all
He says, “United we will stand,divided we will fall.”
Said he, “You’ll take a chance if you wear those harempants.
You’re going to lose your husband if you do.
Though you may think my ways uncouth,I won’t stand for the naked truth
And while your charms it may enhance to wear those nifty harem pants,
You’re going to lose your husband if you do.

I want to sing Grand Opera, I have a lively voice!
The way I sing”Ill’ trovatore “ would make your heart rejoice.
To have a job like Melba’s has always been my wish
But every time I try to sing I have to dodge a dish.
I felt down hearted when he cried,”Don’t sing again,
You’re going to lose your husband if you do.
“I have a lovely voice,” I cried.
He answered,”Tie that dog outside,I have a new song to rehearse.
He says,”Don’t start the second verse,
For you’re goint to lose your husband if you do.”

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