Hail Liberty!
Hail! liberty, supreme delight,
Thou idol of the mind,
Through every clime intend thy flight,
The world range unconfined.
The virtues of the just and brave,
Exist alone with thee.
Nature never meant to form a slave,
Her birth-right’s liberty.
Thou’ all the tyrants in the world,
Conspire to crush thy fame,
Still shall thy banners be unfurled,
External be thy name.
Then let the world in one great band,
Of glorious unity.
Drive despotism from each land,
Or die for liberty.
Columbia how blest art thou,
Free from tyrannic sway,
Defend thy rights thy laws avow,
Drive discord far away.
And mayest thou to the end of time,
A sweet assylum be,
To patriots of every clime
Who sigh for liberty.