Briscom Farmer, Lyric Variant 02


“Briscom Farmer, Lyric Variant 02,” Appalachian State University Libraries Digital Collections, accessed January 31, 2025,


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Briscom Farmer, Lyric Variant 02


This item is part of the I. G. Greer Folksong Collection which consists of more than 300 individual song titles and their variants as collected by Isaac Garfield Greer (1881-1967) from informants, primarily in Ashe, Wilkes and Watauga counties. The collection includes manuscripts, typescript transcriptions produced by Dr. Greer’s clerical staff, and handwritten musical notations. Songs range from traditional Child Ballads, traditional English and Scottish ballads as well as their American variants, to 19th century popular music to musical compositions of local origin.


Folk songs--United States
Farmers--Songs and music
Love--Songs and music
Reunions--Songs and music
Marriage--Songs and music


W. L. Eury Appalachian Collection, Appalachian State University


Greer, I. G. (Isaac Garfield), 1881-1967








The Briscom Farmer.

Once I knew a briscom farmer,
He was a credit to any man.
He courted a pretty fair lady
Who lived in a foreign land.

His parents when they found it out
Grew angry and did say,
I’ll send him over and over the ocean
And his face you xwillx no more shall see.

So her searched the ocean over and over,
Over and over he did search,
Saying: If Polly is alive and I can find her,
I will make her my lawful bride.

So early one morning
As he went walking down the street,
Cold drops of rain fell as it happened
And his true love he did meet.

Good morning, good morning, fair lady,
Do you think you could fancy me?
Oh no, I fancy the briscom farmer
Who has lately gone to the sea.

Oh describe him, oh describe him,
Oh describe him unto me.
Perhaps I’ve saw just such a fellow,
As I have just come from the sea.

He was witty, he was pretty,
He was handsome and fair.
He had black hair ,and wore it curly
Oh his pretty blue eyes so fair.

Oh yes, I’ve saw that fellow
By the name of William Hale.
I saw him shot through with a forty four ball.
Oh how dead that man did fall.

Oh such screams as that young lady give.
Enough to prove any endless love,
Saying: Since we parted broken hearted,
It is now what shall I do?

Hush up, hush up, my pretty fair lady,
Perchance I may be he,
And to convince you of my story
Here’s the ring that you give me.

So they joined their lily white hands together,
Of to the Church house they did go,
Saying: this young couple will get married
Whether their parents are willing or no.

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