Teacher Education, class, circa 1970, photo 3
This image shows an elementary school class being taught by a student teacher in the Department of Teacher Education in the College of Education at Appalachian State University (1967-current) in the 1970s. One teacher can be seen standing by an overhead projector while another looks at a sheet of paper with a student. Education students were expected to teach in their field of specialty full-time for at least one full semester under the guidance of an experienced teacher, most at off-campus schools. The College of Education was renamed the Reich College of Education in 1985. It provides educational programs for preschool, primary, secondary, and continuing education, with specialist programs in higher education, administration, and school psychology. The College is accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the state of North Carolina.
Student Activities
Teacher Education
Appalachian State University
General Picture Files, 2004.040, Box 15, Teacher Education, C14.2.3.3.
University Archives, Appalachian State University