Music Recital, circa 1970, photo 5
This image shows a man singing out of a songbook on a stage during a recital by the Department of Music Education at Appalachian State University (1967-current) in the 1970s. A man and a woman can be seen sitting on the right, holding songbooks, and the orchestra is in the background. The Department of Music became the Hayes School of Music in 1988 and was named for Mariam Cannon Hayes, former member of the Appalachian State Board of Trustees and current member of the Hayes School of Music Advisory Board. The School of Music provides majors in Music Education, Music Performance, Music Therapy, Sacred Music, Composition and Theory, Music Industry Studies, and Jazz Studies. The Department is a member of the National Association of Schools of Music, and students perform recitals and concerts throughout the year. Seatedd second from the right is Mr. Hoyt Safrit (Assistant Professor of Music).
Music Education
Appalachian State University
General Picture Files, 2004.040, Box 12, Music F2, C14.2.2.6.
University Archives, Appalachian State University
Harvey Durham
Seated second from the right is Mr. Hoyt Safrit (Assistant Professor of Music).