This image shows a man conducting a tour through a computer lab for the College of Business in the newly occupied Walker Hall, built 1975, at Appalachian State University (1967-current) in 1976. A series of televisions can be seen hooked up to keyboards with acoustically coupled modems, where the handset of the telephone was attached to a speaker system to acoustically transmit signals through the phone line. Walker Hall was dedicated to John A. Walker in 1977. The College of Business was established in 1970-71 with four departments, including accounting, business administration, business, economic and occupational education, and economics. It occupied Smith-Wright Hall, built 1940, from 1970 to 1976, when John A. Walker Hall, built 1975, was opened. The man standing in the center of the photo and pointing to the equipment is Dr. Melvin Roy, Professor of Business Education and Offce Administration.
General Picture Files, 2004.040, Box 9, College of Business F3, C14.2.2.3.
Harvey Durham
The man standing in the center of the photo and pointing to the equipment is Dr. Melvin Roy, Professor of Business Education and Offce Administration.