College of Business, event, 1975, photo 8
This image shows a man presenting Chancellor Herbert Walter Wey (1969-1979) with a cashier's check from the Bank of North Carolina for five thousand dollars for the College of Business at Appalachian State University (1967-current). The event was held in the Red Carpet Inn in Boone, NC, in 1975. The College of Business was established in 1970-71 with four distinct departments, including accounting, business administration, business, economic and occupational education, and economics. It occupied Smith-Wright Hall, built 1940, from 1970 to 1976, when John A. Walker Hall, built 1975, was opened. The college was dedicated to John A. Walker, founder of Lowe's Companies, in 1976.
General Picture Files, 2004.040, Box 9, College of Business F1, C14.2.2.3.