This diary was recorded by A.J. Greene from December 15, 1935 through February 24, 1936. A.J. Greene kept record of important community events such as community celebrations of holidays, church information, such as the number at Sunday School and the topic discussed, and the inside scoop at Appalachian State Teachers College. He included personal reflections on most of his daily activities such as how his classes were going, and what he thought about the biblical topics discussed.
Tags: Alumni Association of the Appalachian State Teachers College, Bettie Mae Johnson, Boone, Claude Edminsten, Cozy Nook, Dean Rankin, Greene Inn, Harmony Lane, Henry Brinkley, J.B. Smith, Maxie Greene, Mr. T.E. Blaire, Professor J.A. Williams, Ray Harmon, Reverend J.A. Yount, Ruth Epps, Vilas