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Andrew Jackson Greene kept this diary from August 6th through November 10th, during the year of 1928. Each day, Greene recorded entries about the weather, community events, friends and family visits. He also included entries devoted to Appalachian Training School, he even names some of the buildings still found on the Appalachian State University campus today such as Justice Hall and White Hall.

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Andrew Jackson Greene recorded this diary from April 23st through July 2nd during the year of 1930. He writes of each visitor he has, of those who he visits. He also admits that as a teacher, visitors bring about much anxiety. He also writes of the weather, how rainy, foggy days can affect his mood. Most of his writing is related to Appalachian State Normal School and the local churches such as Boone Baptist, Cove Creek Church, and Willowdale Baptist Church.

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This diary was recorded from September 10 through November 7, 1931. In this diary, Greene provided an abundance of information about the Appalachian State Normal School. President Dougherty told students of the idea of making the school into a teacher’s college. This was a big time of change for the school. It was growing and work was intense. The football team was gaining interest, and excitement. Greene also wrote about the traveling he did, from Boone, to Mabel, to Kentucky, to Elizabethton, to Vilas. Greene also included much community information such as a first-hand account of the Stone murder trial.

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