Browsing Items (202 total)

This letter, from Alice Kirby to M. F. Kirby, is written from Kingsville, Kansas. She addresses M.F. Kirby as "Mr." and "Brother." Alice talks about family life, farming and the Fourth of July in Kansas. The towns mentioned include Maple Hill, St. Marys and Rossville. Alice shares that Laura [Kirby] is staying in Rossville now.

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This letter, from S. J. Kirby to his sister Ada, describes the the activities taking place on a prairie farm around the Fourth of July. The process of gathering hay and the price of corn are included.

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This is a letter from W.R. King to his brother and some friends. King mentions how his family is doing very well and talks about camp meetings.

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This letter is about the writer’s illness.

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This is a letter written by Mary C. Baker. In the letter, Baker describes funeral arrangements for her mother and adjustments within her family life caused by her mother's death.

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This is a court summons for Luke Eller from J. H. Reves. Two employees owe a sum of $3,503.11. Eller is required to go to court as a garnishee. The two defendants are Ed. L. King, and J.B. Hash.

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This written agreement states the terms of a loan of two hundred dollars from Jacob Eller to William Weaver.

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This is a letter from Emery Kirby to his parents. Emery writes about moving soon to a new location and tells how to address any mail sent to him. Note: the letter was mailed from Salt Sulphur Springs, Virginia which was before the Civil War. Salt Sulphur Springs became part of the new state of West Virginia in 1863. The letter was sent to a community in Grayson County, Virginia.

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This letter from Fannie was written in June in reply to a letter she received from her cousin Bettie Kirby. This letter refers to the imprisonment and death of two men, Brother John and Frank. Fannie also tells Bettie about her church activities.

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This letter was written at Rose Cottage in Virginia to Daniel by an old friend, A. Ba[illegible], who is missing his company. The writer discusses visiting her Aunt in Franklin, as well as mentioning friends such as Grayson, Judy, Sally, and Fannie.

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This is a letter from Samuel to his sister Betty. The letter mentions such things as bad weather; sending stamps to Jeaney in hopes that she will write; and the little amount of food they have to eat.

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This letter, from Mary E. Daniel to her grandmother, uncle and aunt, discusses the consequences of the Civil War on her daily life. The letter asks for news from various members of her family.

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This is an undated, unaddressed, and incomplete letter. The letter describes the sale of the writer's horse, as well as a possible purchase of land.

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This letter from Emory Kirby to his father, Joel, discusses recent developments in Greenbrier and surrounding counties after Morgan’s Raid in Ohio. Emory Kirby says that he does not believe that the war will end any time soon, and that the reports that come in are not good for the Confederacy.

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This is a letter from Emory Taylor Kirby to his brother Millard Fillmore Kirby. This letter makes mention of a turkey and exchange with Lucy Perkins, as well as discusses a possible legal situation that E.T. Kirby is involved with that requires him to go to Circuit Court.

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This letter written to Fannie Kirby’s aunt includes a part of a letter to her sister.The portion of the letter written to her aunt Ida deals with Fannie's desire to leave her current location with Bob.

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In this letter to Bettie, Barbara talks about various aspects of domestic life. There is mention of some illness, cloth Bettie has been expecting, fruit growing and other crops, and children.

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This letter talks about work done on Ada’s house, domestic life, and the lives of close family friends. There is mention of raising horses, marriages, and rules for growing tomatoes.

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This letter is written by Rosa to her aunt. In it she talks about how she hasn’t been to school in a while, and her grammar is poor. The letter mainly involves catching her aunt up on the events of the winter.

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This letter from Robert Kirby to Ada Kirby talks about how he is recovering from illness and a leg condition, and will be returning to school. There is also mention of photographs Robert will have taken to send to his aunt.

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This is a list of items paid for to various people. The author is unknown, and there is no date. The second page is a receipt for a payment made to D. Worth by John A. Ashley.

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This is a list of payments made to various persons by an unknown author. Date and location unknown.

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This is a letter from Fannie Kirby to her sister Ada. In the letter, Fannie mentions that she most likely cannot travel to see her sister Bettie, though she hopes some of her relatives will come to visit her. She also mentions that Eddie, another relative, brought rocks by on a stay and planned on selling them, though she suspects she will have to help Eddie sell them.

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This letter to Fannie starts with several pages written by Julia Everett, Fannie Kirby's cousin. Julia talks about the weather, which has been -22° Fahrenheit. She goes on to talk about domestic life and marriage, as well as horses. Julia's husband, C. S. Everett, finishes out the letter by writing about how he wishes to visit North Carolina and see friends and family.

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This letter from Julia Everett to her cousin talks about how the house she lives in was moved closer to their store. Julia also talks about events such as a Strawberry Festival in town. Julia describes the weather as being very warm, and says that there is a lot of dust in the air.

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This is a letter to Elizabeth "Bettie" Eller from her sister Ada. Ada says that their father is ill and mentions she has not heard from her sister Fannie in some time.

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This letter from Aswell Eller to his father, Luke Eller, asks Luke not to come look for land until a later date because of the increased prices. Aswell says that crops are also increasing in price. Aswell has asked his father to pay for the postage of the letter.

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This short letter to Luke Eller from a son tells of his stay with an uncle on account of bad weather. He also warns his father about the serious financial condition of the East Tennessee and Knoxville banks.

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This letter fragment mentions that the writer's uncle is very sick and old, and that their new home is very nice.

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This letter talks about the weather.

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This letter fragment talks about letters that the writer has to write to various people.

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This letter from one of Elizabeth Eller’s cousins asks Elizabeth to come down and visit them in Rural Retreat. The letter asks Elizabeth not to show it to anyone.

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This is the second part of a letter written by R.A. Fan to Mary Eller. In this letter, R.A. talks about a friend of hers, Blanch, who is dating Earl Ashley, and R.A. disapproves of this relationship.

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This letter from Elizabeth Eller talks about a possible trip Elizabeth may make to take some company she has had back home.

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This letter from Mary Eller to Bettie discusses illness and heaven, as well as upcoming family visits. The letter begins with a statement on the place of a mother as being domestic.

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This letter to Ada Kirby from one of her nieces is about going to school, penmanship, and apples. The letter talks about Pa and various other members of the writers family.

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This is a letter to Elizabeth "Bettie" Kirby from a cousin. The author writes near the start of the letter that they do not want Bettie to share the letter with anyone else. The letter tells of the author's daily life and mishaps, such as dropping a dish of chicken at dinner.

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This note written by Edward King is a documentation of the debt of $ 4.46 that Luke Eller had to William Weaver on April 9th, 1859. The note was signed by Edward King and William Weaver.

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This note from Alice is to inform her cousin Bettie that Alice would like for Bettie and her sisters to come have a meal with her on Friday at 3 o’ clock.

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This note from a doctor to Ada Kirby describes how she should be taking the medicine she was prescribed.

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This is a note from Fannie Kirby to her mother. In the note, Fannie says that Bruce will be visiting Fannie's mother that day. Fannie asks for some seeds and beans and says she is doing well, though she is ill.

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This is a letter addressed to "Uncle" and signed "Ann." A vertical section of the pages is missing, making it difficult to decipher. The letter seems to discuss the author's schooling experience.

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This is a letter written by Elizabeth “Bettie” Kirby to a friend letting them know that she is doing well and asking the friend to visit and write soon. This letter also informs the friend about an illness that is about.

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This is a letter to Elizabeth "Bettie" Eller from her cousin M. (Martha) Hamilton. This letter informs Bettie about the family’s well-being and where they are living. Hamilton inquires how Bettie’s family is doing and what many of his relatives are doing.

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This is a letter from Barbara Francis "Fannie" Young (nee Kirby) to her sister Elizabeth "Bettie" Eller. Barbara's daughter Lillian also writes a brief note at the top of the first page. Fannie discusses the plans for Lillian's visit to Bettie.

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This is a note documenting Ashe County's registration of several grants. The reverse of the note shows part of a page that resembles legal documents related to land holdings.

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This is the documentation of an oath. John Ashley owed John Baker six dollars and sixteen cents. Baker testified that this was true and money hadn’t been received.

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This is the receipt for an exchange made between Luke Eller and John A. Ashley of one hundred and thirty dollars.

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This is a letter written to Mrs. Bettie Eller by her niece, Emily M. Max. She asks her aunt for scraps of material from family members in order to make a quilt.

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